I find that the most unusual question by someone I’ve just met is “So what do you do?” I always hesitate to find the right words. I usually end up replying “Uh…lots of things.” I refuse to singularly define myself as a ‘singer’, a performer’, a ‘manager’, a linguist, an ‘explorer’… I believe all beings are multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and multi-talented. And I try to live by this belief every time I have been offered a unique job, idea or experience. And so far, each unique job, idea and experience has developed into an amazing opportunity. And for this I am grateful.

 To me, life is a series of moments. I don’t determine life by its length, but rather by its width. With that philosophy in mind, I have been fortunate enough to see many remote parts of this planet; learn from many cultures so very different from my own; meet amazing people while in a situation one might normally avoid, and enjoy lifelong relationships with people who are so different from me.

Being fearless scares the hell out of me. So my daily discipline is to try and experience my ‘invitation’ to this world with a constant ‘discomfort’. Not too close to the edge where I may fall off, but just close enough to have a peek and remind me that I am alive and that there is so much to learn, live, give and receive out there.

You may meet me performing on stage, you may meet me working on a tourism project in a remote part of the world, you may meet me involved in the universal language of Esperanto or the Haida culture, or you may meet me hosting a thematic travel adventure with some pretty amazing people…wherever we may meet, know that I am grateful that we met, for you will forever hold a moment in my life.